
WordPress Web Design


What is WordPress web design ?​

WordPress web design is the process of creating a website using the WordPress platform, which is a free, open source content management system (CMS). WordPress makes it easy to create personalized websites, fully adapted to the requirements and objectives of each project. WordPress offers a wide range of features, such as themes, plugins, widgets, menus, visual editors and more, making it easy to design and modify your website. WordPress is also compatible with web standards, search engines and mobile devices.

Our wordpress web design services

Website creation

Storefront Website

Portfolio website

Why consider a WordPress web design ?

Web design is a fundamental step for any company looking for modernity and efficiency. A website is the reflection of your company in the digital world; it communicates your brand, your values and your professionalism. By choosing our expertise, you benefit from a strategic approach that incorporates the latest web trends and advanced analytical tools. This enables you to stay ahead of the curve, innovate and respond effectively to your customers’ needs. Choose excellence and performance with a website designed by us.


The essential steps to a successful project

1. Discovery meeting

In this meeting, we'll talk about your ambitions, establish your success criteria, identify the challenges you need to overcome and find the best web design package for you.

2. UX and content strategy

In terms of UX and content strategy, we'll draw up the sitemap, an essential tool for defining your website's information hierarchy and architecture. At the same time, we'll create the website wireframe, which represents the fundamental elements of a web page or user interface, without going into graphic design details. In addition, we'll prepare the various texts that will enrich your website. Our aim is to provide you with an optimal user experience and quality content.

3. Web design + branding

In this step, I'll enrich the wireframe with additional graphic details to ensure a perfect match with your graphic charter and brand image. Our goal is to create a visual representation that accurately reflects your brand identity.

4. WordPress development

At this stage, We will proceed to implement the wireframe on your website, which will be designed using the WordPress CMS. Our target is to ensure a smooth and efficient transition from design to realization, while meeting the highest standards of quality and performance.

5. WordPress simplified training

Once you've created your website, we'll provide you with dedicated training to help you master your new tool effectively. In addition, we'll provide you with video capsules to complete your learning and make it easier for you to get to grips with the website.

Why choose Concept Bloc for your web design project?

Concept Bloc’s WordPress web design creation represents a harmonious convergence of cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking vision. We also prioritize SEO-friendly structures, helping your site rank higher in search engine results. With seamless WordPress CMS integration, you’ll have full control over your website’s content and updates. Explore the advantages that make our WordPress approach an essential solution for a refined online presence.

Responsive Web Design

We're experts at making websites that look great on any screen, so everyone gets an awesome browsing experience.

SEO-Friendly Structure

Our websites are carefully designed with SEO best practices to make sure your online presence can climb to the top of search engine results, giving you the edge you need to stand out in today's digital world.

Wordpress CMS Integration

Integrate our content management system with WordPress to easily take control of your website's content.


WordPress web design offers unparalleled flexibility, intuitive content management, scalability, and a vast support community. We choose WordPress for its ability to create unique, aesthetic and functional websites.

Security is a top priority. We implement robust security measures, such as regular updates, security plugins, and continuous monitoring to protect your site from online threats.

Online visibility is crucial, and Concept Bloc excels in the subtle art of search engine optimization. Each site is finely tuned to maximize visibility, improve search rankings and attract qualified traffic.

Our design process begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your needs. Then we plan, design, and work closely with you throughout development. Every step is transparent and customized to your requirements.

The cost varies according to the complexity of the project. We tailor our services to your specific needs. Contact us for a personalized quote based on your requirements.

Concept Bloc is dedicated to delivering optimal performance. Our WordPress sites are finely calibrated to ensure a fast, fluid user experience, setting high standards in terms of load times and visitor retention.

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